First Place | Frequency Medicine for Impossible Cases | Shannon Goossen Second Place | Kinesiology as an Aid in Difficult Microcurrent Cases | Larry Schleusner…
First Place | Pediatric Neuro-Rehabilitation Using Coherent Multi-Radiance Therapy | Garett Murrin Second Place | FSM in the Treatment of Scars | Allen Berger Third…
The 11th Annual Microcurrent Case Conference proudly presents the following presentations by honorary speakers.. Charles McWilliams – Aether Therapeutics with a Focus on the Multidimensional…
The 12th Annual Microcurrent Case Conference proudly presents the following presentations by honorary speakers. John Shieh – Emerging Technologies in Regenerative Medicine David Nebbeling –…
Microcurrent Introduction, Edward Kondrot, MD, MD(H), CCH, DHt, FCSO History of Microcurrent and Color Therapy, Larry Wallace, O.D., FCSO Peripheral Vascular Disease, Diane Omtvedt,M.Ac,…