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Vanessa Howe Classes

VH #1 Micro Sport PRO Class, Oct. 11 Wed. In-Person and Virtual (Hybrid). 

Instructor: Vanessa Howe

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Tuition: $395                              Time: 9 AM – 4:30 PM.

Details: Maximize Your Healing & Pain Relief. In this one day course we will share both theoretical basis as well as real life stories of how the Micro Sport® PRO unit can be optimized!  We will explore both how to peel out certain layers to bring clarity to your patient’s presentation, as well as what to do when speed bumps occur.  This program will NOT go into specific frequencies or programming, but is a zoomed out view of how to maximize both specific programs as well as the PRO Unit as a whole.  This is a sister program to the 2022 course for the Home unit– it was received with rave reviews.

Contact Vanessa at: for more information and available Presenter Discount Pricing and Repeat Attendee Discount!

Who Attend this Training?

HoweRT® Micro-Sport® practitioners and experienced users.   Medical background will be helpful, but is not required.  Anyone who would like to learn more about how to get maximum benefit from their Micro-Sport® PRO unit.   You must own, or have access/experience with the device to take this course.

VH #2 Self Care Kickoff, Oct. 12 Thursday night. In-Person. 

Instructor: Vanessa Howe and Jennifer Lauren

Tuition: $111                                     Time: 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM.

Teaching Content:

As caregivers we are uniquely prone to overextending, over-working, fatigue and even exhaustion.  In this 3 hour conference kickoff Vanessa Howe and Jennifer Lauren will provide the space and intention for us to examine our own self care routines and add some potentially new tools to bring balance and peace to our lives and careers.  The first hour will focus on FSM Programs, while the remaining time will be centered around intention setting through meditation & breathwork, mudras and mantras designed for heart full manifestation. Discussions centering on the energy of the heart chakra and how to focus only on good things coming to and going from us. Practical and simple techniques for bringing in a foundational daily energy balancing practice to our daily lives.   

Bio:  Vanessa LK Howe Hodges, MSPT has been an instructor in Bio-Energetic technologies since 2005 while growing and running an Integrative Therapy practice in the metro Detroit area.  She has been an author in a statewide integrative periodical, continues to teach nationally and still maintains a small practice yet today.  She uses many integrative techniques in her practice, and is also an Advanced Reconnective Healing Practitioner.  

Jennifer Lauren, MSOT, Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master, Aquarian KRI Kundalini Practitioner, Ancestral Clearing Practitioner, Ordained Minister, lives in the Chicago Suburb area teaching meditation, kundalini, reiki, and ancestral clearing techniques to families, corporate clients, and media personalities though individual sessions, groups, and workshops.  Jennifer specializes in clearing the karma surrounding family and dis-ability related issues physically, mentally, emotional, and spiritually.  She enjoys inspiring people to live their best lives through all levels of healing.