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Laura Keiles Classes

LK#1 Microcurrent Boot Camp One Day Intensive – Integration and Implementation. In-person only, Oct 12, Thursday

Instructor: Laura Keiles

Tuition: $350               Time: 8:30am ~4pm

Morning 8:30am

  • Introductions and initial organization delivery focus assessment (30 minutes)
  • Review of your current business practices and MBC “homework” documentation review. (30 minutes)
  • Identification of opportunities to integrate micro current in daily activities. (30 minutes)
  • Identification of new opportunities to expand current business revenue. (30 minutes)
  • True cost analysis of integration (60 minutes)
    • Short, Medium and Long-Term implementation plan
    • Identifying number of recommended units
    • Usage of unit in office
    • Types of units for rental/sale
    • Assign groups for after lunch exercises

­­Lunch Break – 1 Hour – Approx 12:15 to 1:15pm

Afternoon 1:30

Day in the life of organization – how will you work with Microcurrent in your business

  • Review of proposed new Workflows prior to with performing microcurrent (30-45 minutes)
  • Participants ‘mock clients’ – doing the work (2-3 hours)
    • Engagement of roles discussed and assigned for exercises (at least 2 exercises will be done, more if time permits).
      • Exercise – Assessment & Documentation of mock client
      • Exercise – Customer outreach and marketing
      • Exercise – Client Rental/Client Sale and Maintenance of Client
      • Exercise – Superbills and Insurance coordination
    • Was there any omission that might, if amended, might ensure adoption, compliance (staff and/or clients, and client or practitioner?

Who Attend this Training?

LK#2 “Resonating with Insurance” for your Microcurrent Clients, Pre-recorded video

Instructor: Laura Keiles

Tuition: $150           Time: any time           

Introduction (15 Minutes)

  • Why do we do this?  Because everyone asks and it is nice to try and get them some money back.
  • Taking Insurance as primary payment?  Pros and Cons
  • Cash Pay up front? Pros and Cons

What are pre-requisites to resonating with insurance companies? (60 minutes)

  • NPI – do you have one and what you register as matters.
  • Keeping to scope of ‘licensing’, or how far do you push the limits?
  • Registration with insurance companies as OON provider.
  • To try Medicare or not?  Primaries and Secondaries games.
  • Medicaid – State Supported Insurance (still learning this – may take out)

Lessons from experience (30 minutes)

  • As a solo practitioner – get billing help – do not try to do alone
  • In a small practice – someone will get this role and either excel at it or hate it
  • In a larger practice – there is a ‘department’ which handles billing so you don’t have to; downside they may be unhappy with you however if you learn to resonate and play their game, people do benefit.

Terms to understand (30 – 45 Minutes)

  • Superbill – Supporting Procedure Codes and ICD-10 Coding that resonates
    • List of Procedure Codes that resonate and don’t
    • List of ICD-10 Codes that resonate and why it is important to your super bill
  • “Claim Form” – The CMS Form 1500 – the only form you have to understand how to maneuver and timing
    • Has the client met their deductible already or not?  Timing is everything and filing limits to bill insurance company.
    • Each plan has its percentages per procedure code so it is no guarantee they will receive any money back, however it helps reduce out of pocket towards deductible.
  • Supporting documentation – they will want your notes and HOW you document is as important as how you code the form.

Class will provide examples of Superbill and CMS Form 1500 that have yielded success for clients.

Case Examples of Billing (1 hour)

Who Should Attend this Training?